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Web application development shows how to build websites from the back-end. Students will be exposed to hands on experience and professional level work. By the end of their time in the concentration students will have worked in groups together, similar to web developers and programmers.
Employment of web security programmers has grown 94% in the past six years.
Web application development provides students a foot in the door when looking for entry level jobs.
A back-end web developer is responsible for server-side web application logic and integration of the work front-end developers do. Back-end developers write the web services and APIs used by front-end developers and mobile application developers.
Cybersecurity Analyst has excellent knowledge of and experience using computers and security software.
Software developers build applications for computer programs and develop systems that run control networks.
Design and maintain applications for web and/or network.
Do you want to learn more about the careers that our program can prepare your child for?
The median salary of a web security programmer is $88,296.
See where past members of our program are today.
Christian works for Retail Architects in Fort Mill, SC. He said that everything he learned from DIFD laid a foundation for what he would eventually do once he got into the industry.
Victor works for Red Ventures in Rock Hill, SC. He learned how to think through problems and collaborate across different disciplines from the department.
Our students are always hard at work in their classes. Here are some finished projects that demonstrate what you can learn to do.